Freelance Writing Rates: What Are You Really Worth?

Are you caught in the whirlwind of negotiating freelance writing rates? You adore writing, but you’re anxious about undervaluing your skills. We get it – you want to earn a living while doing what you love, without feeling like you’re being taken for a ride.

Freelance Writing Rates

So, you’ve been asking, “How much money can I make freelancing?” But the answers you’ve received have probably left you more bewildered than before. Well, here’s a revelation: maybe you’ve been asking the wrong question all along. Instead, ponder this – “How much money am I truly worth as a freelance writer?”

In this article, we’re about to unravel the mystery for you. Brace yourself for a deep dive into the world of freelance writing rates. We’ll not only show you how much you can realistically earn but also equip you with the knowledge to confidently assert your worth. Let’s embark on this journey together.

Show Me The Money

Let’s cut to the chase and answer the burning question: how much can you make as a freelance writer? On average, freelance writers rake in about $24.22 per hour. If you were to work full-time (40 hours a week), that’s nearly $50,000 per year. Not too shabby, right?

But here’s where it gets interesting. In your first year as a writer, expect to make less than $30,000, according to Peak Freelance. It takes writers 6-10 years to enter the coveted $100,000 club. Dive deeper, and you’ll find that over 70% of freelance writers earn less than $50,000 annually, with less than 10% crossing the $100,000 mark. That means the sweet spot where 20% of writers thrive is in the $50,000-$100,000 range.

How To Set Your Rates For Freelance Writing

Now, let’s demystify the process of setting your rates for freelance writing. It all starts with understanding the different pricing models.

Per-Word Rates

When you’re starting out, charging a per-word rate is a smart move. It ensures clarity between you and your client. Wondering what the going rates are? Here’s a breakdown from We Are Indy:

  • Entry Level: $.03 to $.06 per word
  • Intermediate: $.07 to $.12 per word
  • Experienced: $.13 to $.20 per word
  • Expert Level: $.21 to $.30 per word

Fun fact: The most popular rate for a 1500-word blog post is $250 – $399. About 21% of freelancers charge per word, with 85% charging less than $.30 per word.

Hourly Rates

Setting an hourly rate can be tricky, but it’s essential to avoid underpricing yourself. Here’s a guideline based on experience:

  • Entry Level: $15 to $30 per hour
  • Intermediate: $35 to $60 per hour
  • Experienced: $65 to $100 per hour
  • Expert Level: $105 to $150 per hour

Fun fact: 53% of freelancers with a bachelor’s degree charge $50 – $100+ per hour.

Per Project Rates (Flat Rate)

Charging a flat rate per project is popular among experienced writers. The rate depends on various factors like project complexity, research, and word count. Here are some examples:

  • Guides and eBooks: $5500
  • Website copy: $3200
  • Landing pages: $2175
  • Sales letters: $1750
  • Ads: $1050
  • Case studies: $870
  • Blog posts: $550

Fun fact: 65% of freelancers choose to charge per project.

Identify Your Niche and Go For It

The world of freelance writing is vast, and there’s a niche for every writer. While many start with blogging, opportunities abound. Here are a few popular niches:

Content Marketing & SEO Writing

Content marketing involves creating valuable content to attract and convert readers into customers. SEO plays a vital role in driving traffic and increasing brand visibility. Rates for this niche range from $.07 to $.30 per word.

Email Marketing

Writing email content for promotions, onboarding, and newsletters is a lucrative niche, with rates typically exceeding $100 per email.

Landing Pages

Crafting landing pages to drive conversions can earn you $300 to $800 per page, depending on your experience level.

White Papers

These informational documents can fetch you between $500 and $1000 per paper, and even more for extensive research.

Website Copywriting

Creating compelling website copy can earn you anywhere from $1 to $3 per word or a flat rate of $400+ per page.

The possibilities are endless, from advertising and eBooks to technical writing and ghostwriting. Your journey as a freelance writer can take many exciting turns.

Why Your Experience Is An Asset

Experience matters. It builds trust with clients and enhances your confidence in delivering quality content. As your freelancing experience grows, your writing skills improve, resulting in less client-side editing and formatting work.

Assess Your Experience Level

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced writer, consider these questions when setting your rates:

  • Do You Have Experience in a Particular Niche?
  • How Many Years Have You Been Writing?
  • What Is Your Highest Level of Education?

Education can make a difference in your rates, with those holding a post-secondary degree generally charging higher rates.

Plan Today, Thrive Tomorrow

As you embark on your freelance writing journey, remember not to undervalue yourself. Balancing work, income goals, and avoiding burnout is essential. Here’s a checklist to help you plan your freelance writing rates:

  • Consider Your Overhead Costs: Location, Expenses, Benefits
  • Define Your Income Goals
  • Choose Your Preferred Pricing Model
  • Highlight Unique Skills You Offer
  • Leverage Your Experience
  • Assess Your Writing Speed and Project Scope

Make Friends With Your Freelance Writing Rates

Embrace your freelance writing rates as valuable allies. They reflect your worth, your expertise, and your journey as a writer. Negotiating higher rates isn’t about taking advantage; it’s about recognizing your value.

When you know your worth, you win, your clients win, and everyone thrives in this freelance writing adventure.


  1. What is the average income for freelance writers?

    On average, freelance writers earn around $24.22 per hour, which translates to nearly $50,000 per year for full-time work. However, earnings vary widely based on experience and niche.

  2. What are the common pricing models for freelance writers?

    Freelance writers commonly use per-word rates, hourly rates, or per-project (flat) rates. Each has its advantages, and the choice depends on the writer’s preferences and client needs.

  3. How do I determine my freelance writing rates?

    Your rates should consider factors like your experience, niche, education, and location. It’s crucial to strike a balance between earning what you’re worth and remaining competitive in the market.

  4. Can I charge more if I specialize in a particular niche?

    Yes, specializing in a niche can often allow you to charge higher rates. Clients value expertise, and your knowledge in a specific area can justify higher fees.

  5. What should I do to level up my freelance writing rates?

    To increase your rates, focus on gaining experience, gathering client testimonials, and building a portfolio. Seek higher-paying clients and refine your skills to offer premium content.

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