How To Become A UX Designer In 2023: Career Guide

Are you interested in pursuing a career as a UX designer? But don’t know from where to begin!

If so, you’re in the right place.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the necessary steps to become a successful UX designer. From acquiring the right skills to building a portfolio and finding job opportunities, we’ve got you covered.

Also check out my ultimate guides on becoming a graphic designerproduct managersoftware developersocial media manager and web designer.

So let’s dive in!

Why Pursue A Career As A UX Designer In 2023?

How To Become A UX Designer In 2023  (Step By Step Guide)

Pursuing a career as a UX designer offers many benefits in 2023. The demand is high, companies are hiring, and it’s considered a top priority. Well-designed user experiences lead to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profits.

UX design is ranked among the best jobs for satisfaction, earning potential, and job openings. It combines technical and workplace skills for a diverse career. Overall, it provides opportunities, satisfaction, and the chance to positively impact user experiences and businesses.

What Is UX Design?

UX design, short for User Experience design, refers to the process of creating and enhancing the experience users have when interacting with a company’s products, services, or websites. It encompasses various aspects of a user’s perception and interaction, including usability, usefulness, desirability, brand perception, and overall performance.

UX designers aim to optimize the interaction between humans and products, ensuring that they are easy, effective, and delightful to use.

What Does A UX Designer Do?

How To Become A UX Designer In 2023  (Step By Step Guide)

A good UX is when a website or app is easy to navigate, allowing quick and successful tasks. Conversely, a bad UX involves difficulties in loading, confusing layouts, and complex checkout processes. UX designers play a crucial role in shaping these experiences, considering factors like user emotions and ease of use.

By combining research, development, strategy, and design, they create seamless user experiences that meet customer needs and expectations, helping businesses better understand and fulfill their customers’ requirements.

UX Designer: Roles & Responsibilities

It’s important to note that the role of a UX designer can overlap with other design roles, and job titles may vary across different organizations. Some common job titles related to UX design include UX/UI designer, product designer, visual designer, and UX researcher.

The responsibilities of a UX designer may vary depending on the specific product or company, but some common tasks and responsibilities include:

User Research

Conducting research to understand user needs, behaviors, and preferences through methods like interviews, surveys, and usability testing. This helps designers gain insights into user expectations and informs the design process.

Wireframing and Prototyping

Creating wireframes and prototypes to visualize the structure, layout, and interactions of a product. These visual representations allow designers to iterate and refine the design before development.

Information Architecture

Designing the organization and structure of information within a product to make it more intuitive and easy to navigate. This involves creating logical information groupings and hierarchies.

Interaction Design

Defining how users interact with a product, including the design of user flows, navigation systems, and interactive elements. UX designers focus on creating smooth and seamless interactions that guide users towards their goals.

Usability Testing

Conducting tests with real users to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of a product. This helps identify usability issues and gather feedback for further improvements.


Working closely with other designers, developers, and stakeholders to ensure a cohesive and user-centered design. Collaboration involves effective communication, presenting design ideas, and incorporating feedback into the design process.

Keeping Up with Trends

Staying updated with industry trends, new design patterns, and emerging technologies. This helps UX designers incorporate the latest innovations and best practices into their work.

UX Designer: Skills & Qualifications

To become a UX designer, there are various skills and educational qualifications that can be beneficial. Here’s a comprehensive answer based on the provided information:

Prototyping, Wireframing, User Flows, Mockups

These skills involve creating visual representations of product designs at different stages of development, such as wireframes, low or high-fidelity prototypes, mockups, and user flows

User Research

UX designers need to conduct user research to understand the needs and preferences of the target audience. This involves methods like interviews, surveys, and usability testing to gather insights

Interaction Design

Designing intuitive and engaging interactions between users and digital products or services is a crucial skill for UX designers. It involves creating interfaces that are easy to navigate and understand

Visual Design

Knowledge of visual design principles, such as color theory, typography, and layout, is essential for creating visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing designs

Degree Programs (Not Compulsory)

While there are few specific UX design degree programs, degrees in human-computer interaction, interaction design, information architecture, psychology, computer science, design, industrial design, and anthropology can provide a solid foundation for a career in UX design.

Bootcamps and Short Courses

UX bootcamps and short courses can be an alternative to traditional degree programs. These intensive programs provide focused training and hands-on experience in UX design.

Self-Study and Learning on the Job

It is possible to enter the field of UX design without a formal degree. Many successful UX designers come from diverse backgrounds and have learned through self-study, on-the-job experience, and continuous learning

How Long Does It Take to Become a UX Designer?

The time it takes to become a UX designer varies widely, ranging from as little as three months to as long as two to six years. Unlike other professions, there are no strict requirements such as specific degrees, certifications, or licenses, which accounts for the diverse timeline.

How Much Does a UX Designer Make?

The average annual base salary for UX designers in the US is $95,572 as of February 2023, according to Glassdoor. This places the role sixth on Glassdoor’s list of 25 Highest Paying Entry Level Jobs.

In comparison, the mean annual salary across all occupations in the United States is $58,260.

Where Do UX Designer Work?

UX designers work in various industries and organizations where user experience is a priority. Here are some common places where UX designers work:

Design and Creative Agencies

Design agencies often have dedicated UX design teams that work on client projects. These agencies provide design services across multiple industries, including advertising, branding, web design, and mobile app development. UX designers in these agencies collaborate with clients and other design professionals to deliver intuitive and engaging user experiences.

Technology Companies

Many UX designers find employment in technology companies, including software development firms, tech startups, and digital agencies. These companies create digital products and services, such as mobile apps, websites, and software, where UX design plays a crucial role in ensuring user satisfaction and engagement.

E-commerce Companies

With the rise of online shopping, e-commerce companies heavily rely on UX design to create seamless and enjoyable user experiences for their customers. UX designers in e-commerce companies focus on optimizing the user journey, improving conversion rates, and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

Product Design and Manufacturing

Companies that manufacture physical products often require UX designers to improve the user experience of their products. These designers work on designing user-friendly interfaces, intuitive controls, and clear product instructions to enhance usability and customer satisfaction.

Step By Step Guide To Become A UX Designer

How To Become A UX Designer In 2023  (Step By Step Guide)

Step 1: Learn UX Design Fundamentals & principles

Ready to dive into basic UX Design fundamentals & principles? The golden rule is user-centricity, putting users first and designing based on their actual needs.

As a UX designer, advocate for users while meeting business goals. Start with five key principles: hierarchy, consistency, confirmation, user control, and accessibility.

Use below resources to start your learning journey to become a UX Designer.

Google UX Design Certificate

Step 2: Learn key UX design methods and processes

After understanding the key principles, explore the methods and techniques that drive UX design. First, get an overview of the entire UX design process to understand the steps involved in designing a successful user experience.

Key UX methods:

  1. Research phase: Define project goals, target users, and context of product/service interaction. Liaise with stakeholders to determine project constraints.
  2. Design phase: Generate solutions and create wireframes that evolve into high-fidelity prototypes.
  3. Testing phase: Conduct user testing to identify usability issues before product launch.
  4. Implementation phase: Hand designs to developers for coding and creating a market-ready product.

Specific methods and techniques:

  • User research
  • User personas
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Information architecture
  • Usability testing

Explore comprehensive online resources for further techniques, including guides by UX Mastery and UX Planet.

Step 3: Developing UX Design Skills

To become a UX designer, you need to acquire a diverse set of skills.

Here are some key areas to focus on:

User Research

User research involves gathering insights about user behavior, preferences, and needs. It helps in making informed design decisions and creating user-centered solutions.

Information Architecture

Information architecture focuses on organizing and structuring information in a way that is intuitive and easy to navigate for users.

Interaction Design

Interaction design focuses on creating meaningful interactions between users and digital products. It involves designing user interfaces, defining user flows, and prototyping interactions.

Visual Design

Visual design is concerned with the aesthetics of a product. It involves selecting colors, typography, and visual elements that align with the product’s branding and create a visually pleasing experience.

Usability Testing

Usability testing helps evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of a product by observing users’ interactions and gathering feedback. It helps identify areas for improvement and refinement.

To develop these skills, you can explore various educational options such as degree programs, online courses, and bootcamps. Look for reputable institutions and certifications that align with your learning preferences and goals.

>>PRO TIP: 17 UX Skills To Start (or Improve) Your Design Career

Step 4: Building Your UX Design Portfolio

A strong portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills and attracting potential employers.

Here are some tips for building an impressive UX design portfolio:

Include Diverse Projects

Include a variety of projects that highlight your expertise in different aspects of UX design. These can range from user research case studies to interactive prototypes.

Explain Your Design Process

Provide detailed explanations of your design process for each project. This demonstrates your ability to think critically, solve problems, and make design decisions based on user insights.

Showcase Collaboration Skills

Highlight projects where you collaborated with cross-functional teams, such as developers, product managers, or marketers. This showcases your ability to work effectively in a team environment.

Keep It Visual

Make your portfolio visually appealing by using high-quality images, videos, and interactive elements. Present your work in a way that is easy to navigate and understand.

>>PRO TIP: How to Make a UX Design Portfolio

Step 5: Gaining Professional Experience

To enhance your skills and gain real-world experience, consider the following opportunities:


Look for design internships or entry-level positions that provide hands-on experience. Internships are valuable for learning industry best practices, working in a team, and building your professional network.

Freelance Work

Take on freelance projects to expand your portfolio and gain exposure to different industries and clients. Freelancing also allows you to work on a variety of projects, enhancing your versatility as a UX designer.

Personal Projects

Initiate personal projects or redesign existing products to further develop your skills and creativity. This demonstrates your motivation and initiative to continuously improve as a designer.

>>PRO TIP: UX Design Internship Jobs (with Salaries) 2023

Step 6: Networking in the UX Design Community

Networking plays a vital role in career growth. Engage with the UX design community through online forums, industry events, and social media platforms. Connect with other designers, attend conferences and workshops, and stay updated with the latest trends and technologies.

Step 7: Finding Entry-Level UX Designer Jobs

When you feel ready to enter the job market, utilize various channels to find entry-level UX designer positions. These can include job boards, professional networking platforms, and company career websites. Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your relevant skills and experiences.

Where to Find Jobs As a UX Designer?

Many ask about reliable sources for UX and UI jobs online. The issue: fragmented job postings in our field. Here are some places to begin your search.

  • IxDA Jobs: Explore a wide range of UX design opportunities globally. Filter job listings by keyword, seniority, and location to find the right fit for your skills and preferences.
  • UX Jobs Board: Discover diverse UX opportunities globally, including remote positions and agency jobs. Suitable for professionals with different skill sets and career aspirations.
  • Dribbble: Showcase your talent and skills to prospective employers in North America and Europe. Ideal for product, graphic, and UX design roles, with opportunities in various specializations.
  • LinkedIn: Connect with recruiters and expand your professional network. Increase your chances of receiving job inquiries by engaging directly through messaging and leveraging your network connections.

Other Valuable Job Boards and Platforms

In addition to the aforementioned platforms, there are several other noteworthy job boards and platforms that can enhance your job search in UX design:

  • Krop: Known for its design-specific job listings and remote opportunities, Krop offers a user-friendly interface and easy navigation.
  • Authentic Jobs: Authentic Jobs features a dedicated UX board and showcases a variety of design and development roles.
  • Coroflot’s UX Design Jobs: Coroflot’s job board provides a range of UX design job opportunities, allowing you to filter listings by contract type and category.

Tips for Landing Your Dream UX Design Job

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the top UX job boards and platforms, it’s essential to equip yourself with the right strategies to stand out during the application process. Here are some valuable tips to help you land your dream UX design job:

  1. Craft an Impressive Portfolio: Showcase your best work through an online portfolio that highlights your skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.
  2. Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume to align with the specific requirements of each job application. Highlight relevant experience, skills, and achievements that demonstrate your UX expertise.
  3. Personalize Your Cover Letter: Write a compelling cover letter that explains why you’re passionate about UX design and how your skills align with the company’s goals and values.
  4. Network and Attend Industry Events: Build connections with other UX professionals, attend industry conferences, and participate in UX-related events to expand your network and uncover hidden job opportunities.
  5. Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Continuously invest in your professional development by staying up-to-date with the latest UX design trends, tools, and methodologies. This will showcase your dedication and enthusiasm for the field.
  6. Prepare for Interviews: Research the company thoroughly, anticipate common UX design interview questions, and prepare well-thought-out answers that demonstrate your expertise and problem-solving capabilities.

How to become a self taught UX Designer

How To Become A UX Designer In 2023  (Step By Step Guide)

Some designers enroll in courses or bootcamps, but many great UI/UX designers are self-taught. How can you learn to design beautiful digital products? There are different ways to learn UI/UX design, and there’s no one correct path. It boils down to understanding design theories and honing your skills through practice.

The 6 steps to becoming a self-taught UX designer in 2023.

  • Step 1: Learn the fundamentals of UX design
  • Step 2: Develop an eye for good design
  • Step 3: Invest in the right design software
  • Step 4: Build a portfolio of work
  • Step 5: Ask for feedback (and learn from it)
  • Step 6: Get real-world work experience

Free Online Courses & Recourses to Become a self taught UX Designer

Want to learn more about user experience (UX) design without investing in a degree or bootcamp? Free UX design courses are the perfect solution. These courses provide valuable insights into UX design, tools used by designers, and the career path. You can expand your knowledge with UX micro-courses and tutorials offered online for free.

This below list features the best free online UX design courses, curated from trusted sources in the industry. They are accessible, convenient, and cost-effective, allowing you to explore and enhance your skills as an aspiring UX designer.

How To Become A Freelance UX Designer?

To become a freelance UX Designer, you can either pursue formal education or learn on your own, as explained earlier. Then, you can work as a freelance UX Designer on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr.

>>PRO TIP: The Best Freelance Websites to Find Work in 2023

Benefits of Working As a Freelance UX Designer.

As a freelance UX designer, there are several benefits that you can enjoy:

  • Autonomy and freedom: Choose projects, clients, and working hours, with control over your professional life.
  • Variety of projects: Work on diverse projects, gaining experience and a versatile skill set.
  • Higher earning potential: Negotiate rates based on expertise, take on multiple projects for increased income.
  • Professional growth: Gain exposure to different methodologies, tools, and industries, staying competitive.
  • Networking opportunities: Connect with professionals for collaborations, referrals, and expanding your network.
  • Personal development: Develop skills in project management, client communication, and entrepreneurship.
  • Work-life balance: Enjoy flexibility, prioritize personal commitments, and increase job satisfaction.

UX Designer Salaries By Experience Level

As with any profession, the level of experience plays a significant role in determining salary expectations. When compared to the average national annual salary of $53,490 per year, becoming a UX designer is even more desirable. Let’s explore the median salaries across different levels of experience in the United States:

UX Design Intern

As a UX design intern, you can expect a median salary of $83,131 per year. This entry-level position offers an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience and build a strong foundation in UX design.

Junior UX Designer

With a bit more experience under your belt, transitioning to a junior UX designer role can potentially increase your median salary to $89,378 per year. At this stage, you’ll contribute to design projects, collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver impactful user experiences.

Middleweight UX Designer

As you progress in your career, becoming a middleweight UX designer opens up doors to even higher earning potential. The median salary for a middleweight UX designer is $100,745 per year. Your expertise and ability to tackle complex design challenges will be instrumental in this role.

Senior UX Designer

Reaching the senior UX designer level signifies a significant milestone in your career. The median salary for senior UX designers in the United States is $110,953 per year. As a senior UX designer, you’ll demonstrate strong leadership skills, mentor junior team members, and contribute to strategic design decisions.

Senior UX Design Manager

For those who take on managerial responsibilities, such as leading design teams and driving UX initiatives, the position of senior UX design manager offers an attractive median salary of $126,265 per year.

Frequently Asked Questions About Becoming A UX Designer

  1. How Fast You Can Become a UX Designer?

    The time required to become a UX designer varies depending on your background and the intensity of your learning. It can take several months to a few years to acquire the necessary skills and build a strong portfolio.

  2. Can I become a UX designer without a design degree?

    Absolutely! While a design degree can be beneficial, it is not a prerequisite to becoming a UX designer. Many professionals come from diverse backgrounds and have successfully transitioned into UX design through self-learning and practical experience.

  3. What are some recommended resources for learning UX design?

    There are many excellent resources available for learning UX design. Some popular ones include online courses like Interaction Design Foundation, books like “Don’t Make Me Think” by Steve Krug, and websites like Nielsen Norman Group.

  4. How important is collaboration in UX design?

    Collaboration is essential in UX design. Working closely with stakeholders, developers, and other designers allows for a holistic approach to problem-solving and ensures that the final product meets both user and business needs.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the journey to becoming a UX designer involves developing a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, building a portfolio that showcases your abilities, gaining practical experience, networking with professionals, and staying updated with industry trends. With dedication, practice, and a passion for user-centered design, you can embark on a fulfilling career as a UX designer.

Remember, this guide serves as a starting point, and your determination, passion, and commitment will be the driving forces behind your success. Best of luck on your journey to becoming a highly skilled and sought-after UX designer!

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