How Much Does It Cost to Become a Freight Broker?

In this article, we will break down the main costs associated with becoming a freight broker and give you some tips on how to save money and get started.

If you are interested in starting a career as a freight broker, you may be wondering how much it will cost you to get your license and set up your business.

Freight brokers are intermediaries who connect shippers with carriers, and they need to comply with various federal and state regulations.

Related: How to Become a Freight Broker in 2023

Freight Broker License Cost

The first and most important cost of becoming a freight broker is obtaining your freight broker license, also known as your operating authority. This is the legal permission that you need to get from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) before you can start brokering freight.

To apply for your freight broker license, you need to fill out an online form on the FMCSA website and pay a fee of $300 per type of authority. There are two types of freight broker licenses: broker of property and broker of household goods. You can apply for both types of authority if you want to broker different kinds of freight. You can also apply for a motor carrier authority if you plan to move freight with your own trucks.

The FMCSA will process your application within four to six weeks and assign you a docket number (MC number) that identifies you as a licensed freight broker. You will also receive a USDOT number that tracks your safety and compliance records.

Freight Broker Bond Cost

The second major cost of becoming a freight broker is getting a freight broker bond. This is a type of surety bond that guarantees that you will follow the FMCSA rules and pay your carriers and shippers on time. If you fail to do so, the bond company will compensate them for any losses or damages.

The FMCSA requires all freight brokers to obtain a bond of $75,000 per year. However, you don’t have to pay the full amount upfront. You only have to pay a percentage of the bond amount as a premium, which depends on your credit score, financial history, and experience. The average premium rate for freight brokers is between 1.25% and 12%, which means that you can expect to pay between $938 and $9,000 per year for your bond.

To get your bond, you need to find a reputable surety bond company that offers freight broker bonds. You can compare different quotes online and choose the one that suits your budget and needs. You will also need to provide some personal and business information, such as your name, address, MC number, tax ID number, etc.

Once you get your bond, you need to file it with the FMCSA using Form BMC-84. You can do this online or by mail. The FMCSA will verify your bond and activate your license within 10 to 14 days.

Other Costs of Becoming a Freight Broker

Besides the license and bond costs, there are some other expenses that you may incur when starting your freight broker business. These include:

  • Business registration cost: To operate legally in your state, you need to register your business entity with the Secretary of State or other relevant agency. The cost of business registration varies by state and type of entity, but it usually ranges from $100 to $300.
  • Tax number and registration cost: You also need to obtain a tax identification number (EIN) from the IRS and register for state and local taxes with the Department of Revenue or other relevant agency. The cost of tax number and registration also varies by state, but it is usually free or minimal.
  • Insurance cost: Although not mandatory, it is advisable to get some insurance policies to protect your business from potential liabilities and risks. Some common types of insurance for freight brokers are general liability insurance, errors and omissions insurance, contingent cargo insurance, etc. The cost of insurance depends on various factors, such as your coverage amount, deductible, claims history, etc.
  • Office equipment cost: You will need some basic office equipment to run your freight broker business, such as a computer, phone, printer, scanner, fax machine, etc. The cost of office equipment depends on the quality and quantity of the items you buy, but it can range from $500 to $2,000.
  • Brokerage software cost: You will also need some software tools to help you manage your daily operations, such as finding loads and carriers, negotiating rates, tracking shipments, invoicing customers, etc. There are many software options available for freight brokers, such as, DAT, LoadPilot, etc. The cost of software depends on the features and functionality you need, but it can range from $50 to $200 per month.

How to Save Money on Becoming a Freight Broker

As you can see, becoming a freight broker can be quite expensive. However, there are some ways that you can save money and reduce your startup costs, such as:

  • Improve your credit score: Your credit score is one of the main factors that determines your bond premium rate. The higher your credit score, the lower your bond cost. Therefore, you should try to improve your credit score by paying your bills on time, reducing your debt, disputing any errors on your credit report, etc.
  • Shop around for the best deals: You should compare different quotes and offers from various providers of bonds, insurance, equipment, software, etc. You may be able to find some discounts, promotions, or special deals that can save you money.
  • Start small and scale up: You don’t have to invest a lot of money upfront to start your freight broker business. You can start small and work from home or a shared office space. You can also use free or low-cost tools and resources to find loads and carriers, such as online load boards, social media, networking, etc. As you grow your business and generate more revenue, you can scale up and invest in more advanced tools and equipment.


Becoming a freight broker can be a rewarding and profitable career choice. However, it also requires some upfront investment and ongoing expenses. The main costs of becoming a freight broker are the license and bond costs, which can range from $1,238 to $9,300 per year. There are also some other costs that you may incur, such as business registration, tax number and registration, insurance, office equipment, brokerage software, etc.

To save money on becoming a freight broker, you should improve your credit score, shop around for the best deals, and start small and scale up. By doing so, you can reduce your startup costs and increase your profit margin.

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